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BUNNY has been spayed is fully vaccinated, microchipped and getting her cherry eye seen to. 

The single photo was taken early on in December. She has been on medication for her skin and that is looking a lot better than it does in this photo - see the group of photos that were taken 14th January - skin looking somewhat better but still a way to go and eye has not settled yet after yesterdays op. This is something that we will continue to cover the cost of at our vets. Not a lot we can do about her undercarriage which is the result of being bred and bred from - she is only 4 years old.

We will be seeking a pet free home for Bunny, not that she has been a problem with or around the other dogs - but because she deserves the sole love and attention of someone to make up for the hell she has been through.

A secure garden is needed and any children in the home need to be 6+

Bunny is a super friendly girl, walks beautifully on the lead, really wants to please.

Travels well, may need a house training refresher due to life of breeding. 

Contact Wallace Kennels - she is in Essex.

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